
Campbell Summer

Wycombe in the Summer term is lots of fun. The Campbell girls have continued to work and play hard: this term we have had pupils perform in recitals and take their diploma exams; our L5 produced, scripted, directed and acted in a superb House play; L4 received multiple accolades for their excellent work in the Dove Award; year groups enjoyed outings with their tutors for the end of the year; we enjoyed Dove Day and GlastonAbbey; Campbell Inters placed first at Sports day! and the House placed 4th overall; our U5 have managed the GCSE schedule with their customary strength and good humour; and we have enjoyed our House Inning to celebrate the end of the year.  

This term is tinged with sadness as we say ‘farewell’ to our L6 as they leave us to head to Clarence and all the joys of U6. We are so lucky to have had such a dedicated group of Mons this year, who have led the House with enthusiasm and integrity. We asked the Mons to reflect on their time in Campbell, and to pick out some of their favourite memories from the last 4 or 5 years.

“My time in Campbell has been unforgettable. After joining in LIV, I felt immediately welcome and began to connect with the other people in my year group. Since then, I have had so many enjoyable moments, particularly all of the house activities and outings at the end of each term. They really allowed me to bond with other students and get to know the house staff better. Although I am looking forward to moving on to Clarence next year, I am definitely going to miss Campbell as well!”

“I am thrilled to share my exceptional four-year journey at Campbell – no doubt the best house in Wycombe! From the moment I stepped foot into its (purple!) inviting halls and I was warmly welcomed by house staff and older girls, I knew I had found a second home and a nurturing community. Living alongside girls of all year groups, from diverse backgrounds and experiences fostered a unique bond. We always support and motivate each other through the highs and lows of our boarding life. Memories from my first term here are still so vivid – I bonded with my year group immediately through UIV house dance. The older girls in my dorm tried to include me in conversations and dorm card games, and comforted when I felt homesick and I am so grateful for that.

The dedicated staff at Campbell played a pivotal role in shaping my experience. They demonstrated unwavering commitment to our well-being, ensuring that we felt safe, comfortable, and cared for. I always feel like I can talk to the house staff whenever I feel down or have a problem; the number of times I ranted to Mrs Foster in dispensary is too many to count. I am forever grateful for their time and effort in making our experience in Campbell so special.”

“I know everyone says this, but my four years at Campbell have flown by incredibly fast. It feels like just yesterday when I joined as a UIV, not knowing the difference between all the pitches (and honestly, I still don’t). Starting my boarding experience at Campbell has shaped my journey in Wycombe. But growing up and creating a similar environment for younger girls has been also been a highlight. One memory that will forever stay with me is leading our UIVs to achieve 3rd place overall in the house dance competition, despite not placing in years. Lastly, fulfilling my Mons roles to the best of my ability has been rewarding and I hope that this has been reflected to everyone else. For example I hope the traditions we’ve established, like dumpling making, will forever stay in Campbell. Although I can’t imagine leaving this part of me behind, I’ll never forget my time here in Campbell and can’t wait to come back and visit next year!”

“I could not have known before joining Campbell in LIV that it would lead to such a special and memorable experience. One of the things I will miss the most about Campbell are the dorms I shared with my house family and the dorm I was in during my GCSE term. I remember having so much fun in these dorms and always laughing about something, even during exams! I have loved being part of the many events which we compete in in houses as well as the events that I offer my support and house spirit from the side-lines. From evening activities on the weekends such as watching Eurovision or cooking, to dressing up as characters for House Innings, I have greatly enjoyed being able to spend time with the other pupils in Campbell. Campbell has truly been a wonderful experience and the friends and memories I have made here will stick with me even when I leave Wycombe Abbey.”

Alex, Arshia, Audrey, Ava, Chiaka, Grace, Jade, Khiyati, and Zahirah, we wish you all the best for your futures and know that you will continue to shine as you have in Campbell. All your purple sisters are here to support you and we look forward to you visiting and telling us of your adventures.

To those girls returning to and joining Campbell in September, we can’t wait to see you! Have a wonderful summer, everyone.