
Butler’s Spring News


Charlie Mackesy life lessons 

Our first evening of the Spring Term was used as an opportunity to reflect on our House motto of Be kind and have courage based on the Charlie Mackesy book, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. A special TV programme was released on Christmas Eve, so we watched the short film together as a community and picked up on key messages linked to not being afraid to ask for help when it’s needed, looking for the good in all situations and recognising each other’s strengths. The film (named after the book title) can be enjoyed on BBC iPlayer and it’s a lovely watch for all ages. 

Lunar New Year 

In the spirit of broadening our horizons and celebrating the cultures of Butler House, we came together and celebrated Lunar New Year in January. On New Year’s Eve, the House gathered in the Drawing Room and enjoyed a delicious Chinese banquet. After eating together and cleaning the clutter, both literally and metaphorically, as is the New Year tradition, we exchanged fortune cookies and red envelopes with chocolate coins before enjoying a themed film. It was an enjoyable way to celebrate a key event in the lunar calendar, which is special to many in our community and a chance to look ahead to the year of the Rabbit. 

Chinese New Year feast
Chinese New Year film night

Form Reps 

The Form Reps have been selected for the Term and will meet Liza, Head of House after Long Leave for a House Council session as well as acting as a key link between the year group and Tutor. 

Inaayat – LIV 

Inaayat – LIV  

Tracy – UIV 

Catherine – LV 

Ahana – UV 

Martha-Jack – LVI  

Book Club and recycling 

Our Thursday evening House Book Club, led by our House Librarian Matilda, is a popular way to enjoy some time with friends discussing recent reads and books linked to any themed weeks within School. This week, Form Reps, keen bookworms and those interested in sustainability have been reviewing our bookshelves and setting aside any which have been well-read in Butler and would be much loved elsewhere. The School are partnering with The Book Rescuers who donate to worthwhile causes or properly recycle so we hope others will enjoy books which have been in our library for some time. 

House Games 

Monday afternoons are full of noise and excitement around the School site and a highlight has been football this half term. It’s a welcome chance to get outside, enjoy informal sport, try some different skills and have fun with friends across all age groups.  

Yasmina on the ball
Angel pre-kick
Inaayat going for it!
Freya and MJ showing off their footwork

Individual success 

The Spring Term has not only included new year’s festivities but also new beginnings and opportunities for pupils. We cast a spotlight on Hannah (LVI) who volunteers weekly to teach a young girl how to play the piano who has moved to the UK as a refugee. Music is often said to be another form of communication and expression and for Hannah to connect with this pupil through the piano is something we are very proud of her for and no doubt an experience they will both always remember.  

In UV, Cara recently completed training and work experience at a veterinary clinic and has begun volunteering at a cat rehoming centre on Saturday afternoons. For Cara, this is something that she is incredibly passionate about, and we hope that this only serves to further inspire her for her future career endeavours as a vet. 

Lucy in LV visits a care home for the elderly on Sunday afternoons, enjoying spending time getting to know the residents and brightening their day. Volunteering in these ways no doubt provides a wonderful chance to experience something very different to a school environment and is a significant achievement, balancing these commitments alongside school work and activities.  

LIV hot chocolate 

I am enjoying seeing a year group each week for hot chocolates and catch-ups. It’s been a lovely chance to switch off before bedtime, chat about the week or how things have been going this term and hear about anything that the girls are excited about for the rest of the year. LVI have also had some hot chocolate evenings with the younger years as part of Mental Health Awareness Week, welcoming them into the Mons area for a change of scene and a chance for pupils in different years to catch up and connect and talk about all things Butler and all things Wycombe Abbey. 

Inaayat, Cynthia, Simona, Cecilia, Alice and Iris enjoying hot chocolate with Miss Lowther

Orchestral Concert 

On the final evening of the half term, we were treated to the School’s Orchestral Concert at St Mary’s Church in Marylebone, London. It was wonderful to see Butler musicians from LIV-LVI as part of a variety of different orchestras and ensembles representing the House. It was also lovely to see many parents in the audience supporting the event, whether their daughters were performing or not!  

Orchestral Concert in London

We hope that everyone has a wonderful Long Leave wherever you are spending it and look forward to longer spring days after the break. 

Miss Lowther and the Butler House team.