
Airlie Autumn Term Newsletter

Airlie House Autumn Term 2023

The start of this academic year has been nothing short of remarkable, filled with creativity and teamwork! As we reach the end of the first half of term, I want to take a moment to reflect on the exciting start of term we have shared as a House and School community. Firstly, it has been wonderful to welcome new pupils, families, and staff to our community. It has been a joy to witness our community grow, change, and take on the challenge of a new academic year.  

The pupils have been involved in many House and School Events, however, the Activities Days on the 21 and 22 September were a resounding success. Over the course of two days, the activities provided pupils with the opportunity to engage in a variety of physical, artistic, and intellectual pursuits.  

Our LVI pupils took part in the Communications Conference and were tasked with responding to a variety of disasters as PR managers of a fictional ice cream company.  

The UV pupils had an early start, departing school at 5am, to make the journey to the battlefields and memorials of Belgium and France. The pupils and staff described this trip as an incredibly enlightening and sombre experience. 

LV pupils were tasked with the challenge of Duke of Edinburgh! The Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition is a journey of discovery, learning new skills and overcoming challenge. The Airlie LV pupils did a fantastic job navigating through diverse terrains in the Chiltern Hills and reacting to unpredictable weather conditions.  

UIV visited the Tate Modern on Friday 22 September, where they explored galleries and reviewed structural pieces. On their return to School, the UIV pupils were then challenged to design a footbridge for the school lake, with a brief from Architects.  

The Inter-House film projects was assigned to the LIV pupils. From scriptwriting to directing, editing, and acting, each Airlie pupil demonstrated commitment, innovation, and creativity! It was wonderful to see the LIV Airlie pupils’ collaborative spirit and the final masterpiece they worked hard to create together! 

The start of this term has set a positive tone for the academic year ahead. I am proud of the hard work, dedication, and creativity demonstrated by the Airlie pupils. As we look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, let us carry forward the spirit of collaboration, curiosity, and community that has defined the beginning of this academic year. 

Airlie House Family Tree Portraits

Meet Our LVI Monitors 

In Airlie, our LVI ‘Mons’ play a crucial role in shaping the positive, respectful, and inclusive culture of our House community. These leadership positions are an opportunity for the pupils to contribute to the development of a supportive environment that fosters both academic excellence and personal growth. The House staff and pupils are very grateful for the help and support our Mons provide our community.  

Head of House  Alice House EDI Representative Sundari  
Deputy Head of House  Tomilola  House Social Captain   Tomilola 
House Captain  Allegra  House Producer  Sundari 
House Conductor  Fiona    House Editors  Allegra & Ying Shan  
House Pianist  Fiona  House Photographers  Tomilola & Allegra  
House Sacristan  Clarice  House Librarian  Ying Shan 
House Responsibility for Younger Pupils Sundari & Natacha  House Debating Captain Fiona  
House Treasurer  Grace House Quiz Captain Alice  
House Charity Representative    Clarice House Artist Natacha  
House Green Representative    Grace House ICT Representative  Grace  

Five-word Summary of the Autumn Term (so far) from our UIV pupils 

Joann: Interesting, Food, Chilling, Tired, Fun.  

Natalie: Early mornings, Swimming, Netball, Amalia!  

Amalia: Music, Natalie, Toast, Busy, Oranges.  

Michelle: Friendship, Games, Productive, Guitar, Dance.  

Yolanda: Mario Kart, Brown, Great Bear. 

Sophia: Pegasus, Nintendo Switch, Games, Productivity.  

Roxy: Prep, tests, Airlie-very-cool.  

Sophie: Flute, Piano, Physics, Movie Night.  

Ameera: Exciting, New, House Dance, Fun.  

Yvonne: Cello, Americano, Pollux, Essays, Busy.