
Campbell House Festive Newsletter 2022

With the Winter evenings drawing in, it is hard to believe that the Autumn term has come to a close. Campbell House continues to reflect on what has been a busy term for all, but the memories made will last a lifetime. From Bonfire Night, to decorating the Christmas tree, it has certainly brought the House closer together. We hope that you enjoy some of our highlights from this term as well as a tribute to the longest serving Housemistress of Campbell House.

Bonfire Night

Whilst Bonfire Night brings lots of colours and sparkle to Wycombe Abbey, it is the first opportunity that the LIV have to participate in an inter-House competition. Their mission was to create a Guy inspired by their House colour. The LIV pupils worked tirelessly to create an excellent Ribena carton which achieved second place in the overall standings. Congratulations!

LIV with the Campbell Guy

Campbell House pupils also ran a second-hand clothing stall to raise money for our three School charities. Well done to those who contributed, and we hope you enjoy your new clothes.

LVI running the second-hand clothing stall

Evening Activities

Every Saturday there are a number of fun activities held in Campbell. These have included: ice cream sundaes, a wide variety of baking, pamper nights, snowflake making and many more! These activities are not only very enjoyable and friendly, but also encourage new friendships and bonds between everyone. “I find that I have got to know a lot more people throughout the year groups during these activities and found that it allows a relaxing break from work. I always look forward to these activities every week and I cannot wait for what the activities next term has in store!” (Isla, UIV)

Extra sprinkles for Chiaka and Khiyati

Dorm Decs and Mocks

Towards the end of term, the UV began the process of mock examinations. While this can be a stressful time for them, the support from their fellow Campbellites has been most rewarding. Each UV pupil has their dorm area decorated in their favourite pictures and snacks to reward them for all their hard work during this time and it is a tradition that they all look forward to.

Christmas tree decoration

Decorating the Christmas tree was such a wholesome and bonding experience, even for people in the years above. Hanging baubles and having laughs is definitely the true feeling of Christmas spirit and happiness. Putting the star on the tree, on top of Verity’s shoulders, will be a core memory for me in Campbell. The tree added extra festive spirit a long with the Christmas song. I’m so glad LIV got to decorate the tree as it was something I will appreciate and remember forever. (Yihan, LIV)

Campbell tree as decorated by Santa’s elves

House Games Report 

This term in House games, there have been many sporting activities that have been on offer for girls in Campbell. These range from Danish Longball to cheerleading and have been a great chance for Campbell girls to bond and try a new and unusual sport. Recently, there was a House cross country competition in which Campbell did incredibly well, by placing 1st. We have many talented runners who did Campbell proud. A special congratulations to Yuning and Cice who placed in their age categories and scored points for Campbell. Next on our agenda is House swimming for which Campbell has proudly held the title for 6 years running . At the time of writing we are patiently awaiting to discover if this year marks another success. Well done for participating and showing amazing House spirit throughout the term.

Farewell from Dr Yuasa

Unfortunately, at the end of this term we will be saying goodbye to Dr Yuasa, as she takes on a new role at Queenswood School. Dr Yuasa has been an integral part of Campbell House for twelve years and while this is a fantastic opportunity for her, she will be dearly missed by staff and pupils alike. Here is what she had to say about her time in Campbell House:

I will be leaving Campbell for the second time at the end of this term. I returned to Wycombe Abbey in 2008 as the Clarence Housemistress (in those days known as the Clarence Senior Academic Tutor, CSAT). I was not prepared to be a Housemistress in any other House and waited until the post became available (one gets very attached to their own House at Wycombe). I can honestly say that being a Housemistress at Wycombe Abbey is the most challenging and rewarding job. The lows are the long hours, regular hygiene talks and waking up teenagers towards the end of a term. However, the highs definitely outweigh. The highlights include the LVI house activities, Miss Strange’s baking, Mario Kart competition, House Cluedo, dorm decorations, secret Santa and House outings/innings. However, the best moments are the everyday chats and laughter with amazing pupils and the dedicated staff. I loved the way pupils shared their stories at bedtimes and how the whole House gets involved in playing 20 Questions. It is very special the way everyone looks out for each other and works together to create a happy home.

It has been my greatest honour to be the Campbell Housemistress over the last twelve years. I leave Campbell again with more fond memories and the sense of pride to have been a part of the amazing family. Thank you and best wishes to every single Campbellite!

Pupils and staff would like to wish Dr Yuasa the best of luck on her new adventure and we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Let the festivities commence!